Bible Insights

Auntie told me, “Making something extraordinary out of each and every day becomes more important with each and every day!” Auntie’s advise for doing that very thing… Starting each and every day by spending some time in God’s Word. Take the ‘good book’, a journal, and your morning coffee to your quiet place and talk over your plans for the day with your Heavenly Father. Over the years, I’ve followed her advise as faithfully as I knew how. God’s Word and my journal have been a huge blessing in my life. So when I decided to share my life online, parts of my journal seemed to be worthy of sharing, too. It contains Biblical words of encouragement, words of enlightenment and guidance from the Lord. In my forty-plus years of seeking an intimate relationship with Jesus through God’s Word the Holy Spirit has provided many insights. My purpose is to share these with you, my readers. My prayer is that someone will be blessed in the reading, and find God’s love and power in the pages.

In Prayer It Is Better To Have A Heart Without Words
Than Words Without A Heart.

_John Bunyan

Preach the Gospel all the time.
If necessary use words!

St. Francis of Assisi

Those Who Always Pray Are Necessary To Those Who Never Pray.
 _Victor Hugo

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Bible Journaling
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A man plans his ways,
But the LORD directs his steps.

 _Proverbs 16:9

Most people want to serve God… in an advisory capacity.

I have so much to do today that I shall
spend the first three hours in prayer.

_Martin Luther 1483-1546

“The wages of sin are the hardest debts on earth to pay, and they are always collected at inconvenient times, and unexpected places.” Girl Of The Limberlost – Gene Stratton-Porter

My good book is nearly forty years old now and showing signs of age but I still love the feel and smell of old leather and well worn pages. I’ve considered sending it off to be rebound, but can’t imagine a day without it. My entire spiritual brain is in there!

A Bible that’s falling apart,belongs to someone who isn’t.

A virtual Bible and journal solve one problem, they won’t fall apart. But somehow it’s just not the same. Hopefully that’s true around here. Sort of depends on the day, I suppose.

We learned how to index our study Bibles from Auntie, so we could find things more quickly. I thought maybe you’d like to see how she did it, too. You’ll need:

  • Felt tipped markers in several favorite colors
  • Metallic Gold or Silver Calligraphy Pen
  • Ruler & Pencil
  • Determine what divisions will be the most convenient; i.e. Books of Moses, Major Prophets, Minor Prophets, Psalms, Proverbs, Gospels, Epistles, etc.  Use whatever method compliments your study habits.  Then, carefully fold back the covers of your Bible, and –
  • Holding all the page tightly together – mark lightly across them with a pencil, about every 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch. (15 to 20 mm)
  • Separate the first section you want to index from the rest of the pages and, holding them tightly together, carefully color the edge of the section from the top down to the first pencil mark.
  • Separate the next section, hold and color between the first and second pencil marks.  Continue with each section you have decided to separate, moving down the pages as you work.  When you reach the bottom of the pages, begin at the top again.
  • When all of the sections have a colored “tab” showing their location – use a gold or silver metallic pen or marker to fill in the blank areas, covering any remaining pencil marks or areas where the color may have bled across the lines.  Sometimes leaving these blank areas white is very effective, too.  It’s all up to you.

There you have it! Beautiful gilt edged pages, a quick reference index to aid in your studies, no nasty little plastic tabs to break off, and a Study Bible that can accompany you anywhere. Almost as good as the gilt edged, cut indexing found in very, very expensive volumes, Right?